Sunday, September 9

Lucas Chronicles First full day home

Saturday was our first full day home.We received a delivery of medical supplies for Lucas' picc line as well.  Lucas spent most of the day just sitting with me or mommy.  The home health nurse made her first visit & watched me flush his lines.

She also suggested that he looked nauseous & asked if he was taking anything for it.  He is not, so she said she was going to order something.  Rina picked it up on her way back from a birthday party with Franco.  We think it must have worked because he woke up at 3 am and ate cheese, grapes, juice & more cheese. (also a side effect of the steroids)

I dont like having to give him more medicine, but if it will make him feel better then I want to.  As lucas and I were laying down in bed to go to sleep, he brought me to tears.  He looked up at the ceiling and pointed & smiled.  I asked him if he saw someone & he said yes.  I have to believe it was his guardian angel.


Dog said...

I'm so glad to hear that Lucas is doing well.He's a lucky little boy to have such loving parents.Anthony,you always have a way to bring a tear to my eyes but this was a good tear!I love all of you.

Unknown said...

He has lots of angels watching over him, anth... And over you, rina and Franco as heart just breaks for you.... We will keep sending prayers and lots of love your way... Wish we were closer...i love you.. Give the kiddos a big hug and kiss from me.... Hang in there are strong and you have generations of strong men and even stronger women standing behind you... Love always... Zoë