Monday, September 10

Lucas Chronicles: Day at the zoo

Our Comadre (Lucas' godmother) invited us to the Lincoln Park Zoo yesterday. We attempted to consult with the oncologist fellow on call at the hospital and followed the instructions we were given to see if that was ok to go to the zoo.  This was at 10am.  At 11 the hospital operator called back and asked if we had spoken to the doctor yet.  At 12 the operator called again and asked.  Both times we explained that no one had called yet.  In the meantime we contacted our home health nurse and she said it would be good to get out and just to keep Lucas away from crowds, in his stroller and don't touch anything. At 1pm the fellow finally called back and started to explain that there has been problems with the paging/phone system.  Then ALL OF A SUDDEN our call was disconnected!!!  35 minutes later the doctor called back again.

I explained to the doctor what our plans were and she was hesitant, but agreed.  She said during induction, they like to keep exposure to a minimum and we agreed.  I also said that if she didn't want us to go then we wouldn't. Lucas' health and safety is first.  She said to follow the common sense rules and keep him clean.

After all of that drama (understand that the hospital said for us to call anytime we needed and they would call us back right away.  This was a bad way to start the phone system) we had a great day.  Franco was able to get out of the house and enjoy himself and we got Lucas out of the house as well.      

The day completely wiped him out but I think it was good to get everyone out and do something.  Tomorrow we have our first clinic visit which includes blood work, another round of chemo and a spinal tap.  We'll keep you posted.

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