Thursday, September 6

Lucas Chronicles: Day 6

Today was a very busy day for us.  We met our clinic nurse and brought Franco to visit for the first time.  Also, Child Life met with Franco to help us explain Lucas' diagnosis and teach how the treatment will work and how the doctors will get the bad stuff out of him.  Lucas continues to eat and drink more and more everyday.  Thank you to Claudia for the wonderful little cake just for Lucas.

He has asked to go to the playroom and wants to walk around in the hallways.  He also asked to go home today, quite a few times because we told him we were going home tomorrow, which we should be.  His medication is going well so far.  He has been prescribed Zantac because the steroid causes acid reflux.  Rina and I learned how to take care of his PICC line and the home health nurse contacted us today to begin her services with us.

We have met some new people here, our emergency room nurse, Danette has visited us a few times while we here.  Her visits mean more than she can imagine and more than we can explain. It means so much that she remembered us, remembered our names and simply just wanted to see how we were doing.  I can't imagine how many families she sees every day, every week and it hit home that she cared enough to come all the way upstairs to see us.  Thank you to Danette, for the care and compassion.  She has been invited to view my blog, so that she can keep up on Lucas as well.

Also, as I said in my Facebook post earlier, don't forget about Franco.  please visit to see how they will help us out and help support his individuality as a sibling dealing with this life change as well.

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