Wednesday, September 5

Lucas Chronicles Day 4 & 5

Yesterday and today were a whirlwind of changes, information and education to get us ready to go home.  For the most part Lucas has had good days with a few outbursts.  He has begun his daily regiment of steroids and a weekly dose of chemo along with stool softeners, laxatives, antibiotics and anti nausea medication.  

I guess I need to clarify a post that I put on Facebook.  Lucas has been diagnosed with PRE B ALL Leukemia.  I posted that he DID NOT have it in his spinal tap.  What that means is, he still has leukemia but it has not traveled to his spinal fluid yet.  The chemo should prevent it from spreading there.  So understand that he still has leukemia and we are working on treating that.

Keep him in your prayers and keep the positive thoughts coming.  We have a long somewhat unknown road ahead of us and we will need it.  Thank you for everything.


Dog said...

Hang in there,Anthony and Tina!I know it's going to be a long road ahead but with wonderful,loving parents and loving family backing you,I'm sure he has a very good Chan e.We will all keep him and you both in our prayers and thoughts.I love all four of you and have the utmost respect in the world for all of you!

Dog said...

I'm sorry Rina.I meant Rina.This stupid spell correction.