Saturday, October 20

Lucas Chronicles: Weekend Update

Hello Readers,

I'm sorry that it has been a week since i have updated the blog.  I've been busy updating a Facebook page for Lucas, planning another fundraiser a the end of the month, and selling wristbands faster than we can keep them in stock.

If you're not on Facebook then you really have missed alot. Let's catch up, shall we.

Lucas did phenomenal last week with the chemo treatment.  Although, he threw up every day, by day 3 he just wiped his mouth and went right back to eating.  Made me laugh and cry at the same time!!  His spirits were up the entire week.  We went for walks in the hallway and even met some new friends in the playroom and hallway.  HE flirted with all of the nurses, of course and kept me moving all week.  I even managed to get some work done as well.

We came home on Sunday the 14th in the afternoon and he was glad to be home.  Tired but relaxed.  This week, Lucas went to back daycare/school.  It has been wonderful for him to get back to his friends and his teachers and keeping him active and his mind off the cancer.  I think a positive environment is the most necessary one for him right now.  He is still a typical 2 year and has temper tantrums every now and then, but oh well.

Today, Rina took him back to the hospital for another transfusion.  The transfusions used to scare me and they still worry me, but I have seen first hand what a dose of the old life juice can do for him.  What's even better is that we learned that the hospital does not use whole blood.  That allows his body to accept it better.  It was another long and tiring day for mommy and bear alike.  We even skyped a few times.  Made me feel like I was there with them.

Last week, we met a family who's 11 year old daughter was just diagnosed with Leukemia.  Talking with her mom in the family great room brought Rina and I right back to August 31.  She was so distraught and upset and didn't know which way to go or what the future would bring.  All the same emotions we had and still have.  I hope that our words were able to comfort her in some way, so that she too can find the strength.

Our other new friend, Zeke, is still fighting his battle as well.  He had some more intestinal surgery, but Mom and Dad say he bounces right back.  They are home and we will be with them in Nov for another round of chemo at the hospital. Best of luck to them as well.

So that about sums up the last two weeks or so.  Lucas is on Neupogen to help his body to begin rebuilding white blood cells and we are still discussing the PORT.  His white lumen on the PICC line has clogged 3 times in the last 2 weeks and every time we have to do something to fix, I worry more about infection.  With a port, we wouldn't have that issue.  He has had numerous people change the caps, clean the lines, and it just put him at more risk every time.  When the Neupogen is done, I hope we can come to an agreement.

Good night all.  I will update you tomorrow on the wristbands and the event at the end of the month.  Thanks for reading.

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