Wednesday, October 10

Lucas Chronicles: Chemo Begins

I am writing from the hospital tonight, pulling a double shift.  Mommy went home tonight and I will do the same thing tomorrow night.  Chemo started tonight.  Lucas seems to have handled it well, so far.  Definitely makes him nauseous.  Zofran wasn't enough so we had to give him some Ativan to help.  Now he is sleeping like a baby bear!!!  His spirits were pretty high today. We went for a walk after getting admitted and even played in the playroom tonight after mommy left, with Thomas and the trains of course!!!  The chemo is in liquid form and delivered through his PICC line.  He is also getting the Mesna tonight, also liquid through PICC.  This will go for three hours then every three hours after in small doses.  They simply don't want the Ifosfamide to sit in his bladder.  Really nasty stuff.  This process repeats itself every day for the next 5 days.  I hope to be able to get some work done during the day as well as keeping Lucas' spirits up as mush as possible.  Lucas comes first this week.  Just a quick rundown of this week:

  • Chemo (see my Consolidation Post for details)
  • Nausea, dizziness, and loss of appetite
  • Hair loss (not really a problem anymore)
  • hope and prayer, every hour every day

As I finish this fresh post, I can't help but think back on today.  My dad would be 64 years old today and even though our relationship wasn't the best for a father and son, I did miss him today.  I really do think he would have loved to have been grandpa for Lucas.  I know how much he loved my nieces and having a little boy would have been great for him.  I have cried about him being gone more times today than I did when he died.  I cry for my sister and brother in law every year because he died on their anniversary.  Such a happy day and sad day at the same damn time.  Love them both!!

Mesna is done and I need to get some sleep.  Good Night Readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad would have been beyond proud of you and your family. Beyond Proud Anthony - it is not the relationship you had it is the memories that will always be - We Love you More than Words could ever express!!!!!Action Jackson!