Friday, September 14


My sister in law has decided to sell Honduran tamales to help offset some of our costs that are not covered by insurance and due to the fact that we will be in the hospital quite a bit for the next few years.

On Saturday Sept. 22nd, Julia and some of her family will be making and selling Honduran tamales.  They will be $2.00 per tamale.  A Honduran Tamale is different from a Mexican tamale in that the masa is moist and there are delicious pieces of pork or chicken as well as vegetables all wrapped up in a banana leaf and cooked to perfection.  Please feel free to buy as many as you like.  I am grateful for my sister in law Julia for having the wherewith-all to look ahead.  Our health insurance is covering the procedures and medicine but we have many other long term expenses such as parking, meals, loss of revenue from our jobs for days off, etc.  Thank you in advance for all your support and feel free to share this post with everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wish you could ship them to Texas! Sounds delicious!