Thursday, September 13

Lucas Chronicles: Good and Bad Days

So I didn't get a chance to post yesterday and it turned to out to work for the writing.  Wednesday we had a few milestones.  I went back to work.  Keep in mind that I work from home, but I have an office and it is separate from the house.  The best part of working from home was when Lucas would climb the stairs and call my name to come and see me.  We had a tradition when he came home, he would come up and we would share M&M's from my little dispenser.  Lately, he still comes up, but Rina has to carry him.

Lucas walked alot more yesterday as well.  He walked all the way from our house to the daycare to say thank you for his cards and give his teacher some tomatoes from our garden.  Lucas' daycare made him a bunch of get well cards.  They made me cry....alot, but the cards made Lucas perk up, smile and gave him the strength to walk more.  We also added yet another medicine for his nausea, but it doesn't seem to work very well.

Today was the not so good day.  Lucas threw up twice today and basically yelled all day.  He didn't want food or should I say that he didn't want it given to him the way we gave it to him.  He also isn't happy if he isn't attached to his mommy.  Tomorrow the home health nurse comes by to flush his PICC and change the dressing.

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support.  We will get through this.


Anonymous said...

Oh Anth I think I would rather talk to you than read this. I cry way more when I read then when I talk!!!!We all love you so much!!! Stay strong!! Love you Jacq

Dog said...

Yes Anthony,I wish I was able to do something for all of you but I'm not in the best of situi.I love all of you with all my heart and would do anything I possibly could.You are all in my prayers and thoughts.