Wednesday, February 27

Lucas Chronicles: Another Set back

Another set back in Lucas' treatment has come.  We have told you about the nodule that was found 2 weeks ago on a CT Scan and the lengthy discussion that was had not to treat it or biopsy until his counts were better.  His ANC was 700 this morning so it was decided to do another CT Scan to check the progress of the nodule today.

The discovery: The nodule has gotten larger in 2 weeks.  It appears to be about twice the size it was 2 weeks ago.  The Doctors are trying to assure us that it is not a tumor and they believe it to be an infection.  The bear will have a biopsy tomorrow morning sometime to hopefully identify what we are dealing with so we can come up with a plan on how to take care of it.

I do not regret not treating it 2 weeks ago because Lucas is in great spirits and feeling better.  The only problem is these damn fevers keep popping up.  Bear has been officially been fever free for 23 hours!!!!  The nurse just left and drew some blood for a PTPTT (coagulation test).  If his numbers are off then he will get Vitamin K and FFP to correct them and make sure he clots properly for the procedure.

Tonight I ask for you prayers for our bear.  This is worse than the day he was diagnosed because there was an answer that day.  Tomorrow there may not be an answer and we begin to treat this blindly with the faith and knowledge of the doctors.  I also ask that you pray for my wife and I as we need it too.  This gets harder and harder every day.

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