Wednesday, November 22

Feast #118

Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?

It would depend on your definition of "intelligent". Do I believe that there is something or someone else out there? Yes, maybe they will abduct W and save the world.

What is one thing you said you'd never do, but you eventually did?

Got married, bought a house, raise a family, leave the family business, own a little dog, bite my tongue... Damn, what happened to me?! YOUR FIRED!!!!

Who is the teacher that influenced you the most in school?

Mrs. Dechant, 7th & 8th grade English at St. Rose School. She identified that I was bored with the normal books and information that were available. She introduced me to Poe and transcendental philosophy. She taught me it was OK to write down my feelings and express myself in writing. She also showed me that my thoughts can never be taken from me, even on paper.

Main Course
If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be and why?

My wife. I would like to see what it would be like to be in her shoes, in all aspects of her life.

What is your favorite dish to prepare?

Corn fritters, they are a variations of my sisters recipe, that (if I do say so myself) I have perfected. very simple, very easy, very delicious.

1 comment:

Shawnee said...

You know you're going to have to share that corn fritter recipe now, right?

If there is intelligent life out there, why would they want the Shrub? I think they're waiting for our planet to self-destruct; then they'll move in & take it over like a slumlord in the ghetto. :-)