Monday, May 11

Almost there

So I realize I haven't given an update on Lucas in a very long time and I'm sorry for that.  We have had a lot going on life.  Living it,  learning it,  getting by.  
We've changed homes.   Moving from our beautiful single family home to a small 2 bedroom near by.  I'm not trying to complain but it is taking some getting used to.   I've also started a new job as most of you know.

Lucas is progressing well.  He's nearing the end of treatment! ! We have almost a month to go before he no longer has to take chemo,  no longer has to get a poke in his booboo (as he calls it). No more monthly visits to the clinic (just a few here and there for the next 5 years) to do blood work.

This is an exciting yet terrifying time of our lives.   We have adapted to the cancer way of life.  The visits,  the uncertainty,  the unknowns.   We will soon be able to see an non sedated, non medicated child for what will really be the first time.   I still remember the day Lucas and I walked home from day care and he pointed to his little heart and I had no idea that in less than a week his tiny life and ours would be changed forever.   I can't think about it without crying.  To this day,  I still think to myself that I should have known.

In mid June we will be going to Legoland Resort in San Diego,  CA all thanks to Make A Wish.  This trip has been in the works for awhile and we are all very excited to go.   By that time Lucas should be completely off chemo but still on Bactrim. Many pictures to come.

Thank you those few people that still check my blog.  I'm try to better and update more often

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