Saturday, February 23

Lucas Chronicles: Another Fever visit

I simply copied and pasted my Facebook post today.  Not enough energy to write more.  We were admitted again Thursday afternoon for a fever.  Lucas' spirits have remained high the entire time despite the fact that his ANC is 6, hemoglobin 8.6.  He keeps eating and drinking like a champ.

After fighting with the Dr. for a day to get a blood transfusion because hemoglobin was 9 yesterday morning (8.6 this morning) and we knew it was going to drop and our primary agreed too, Lucas is finally getting his blood.  However, the doctors had to do it on their own accord.  They did rounds this morning and said "he doesn't look like he needs blood", "he's so active", "we don't want to expose him to infection" blah, blah, blah.  They said to wait until blood draw on Monday and then we go from there.  They walked out of the room.  I sent an update to Rina and then our nurse, Libby (sorry to Libby for snapping.  I didn't mean to take my frustrations out on you.  I did apologize to her in person) she peaks in and says they (the Dr.) decided to give him blood today.  She said the charge nurse told them we have been talking about it for a whole day now.

TIME TO VENT:  Just because you went to medical school doesn't make you smarter than me when it comes to knowing Lucas and his body.  Please check your ego and arrogance at the door as you ask me to be understanding, I simply ask the same thing.  The facility boasts FAMILY BASED care, but sometimes I still feel like it is their way or no way.  My biggest frustration is that these specific doctors don't actually know Lucas.  They know what is on the piece of paper and they require 3 to do rounds and make a show of power.  I don't need it.  I want less time bickering about the small stuff and more time spent FINDING A DAMN CURE.  Not just for Lucas but for every child on this floor.  I could go on, but I'm done.  Simply done today.

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