Sunday, January 20

Lucas Chronicles: Here we go again....

It has been an eventful last few weeks since my last post.  I have intentionally taken some time away from posting on any social avenue in order to focus on home, family, life and work.  Rina and I are finally back to work and getting busier.  Franco has school, after school karate and science club as well as more karate during the week.  Lucas went back to daycare this week also.  The beginning of the week was hard for him (and me) but he adjusts quickly which is wonderful.  He finally started walking on his own again and is eating and drinking more.  Mouth and throat sores are gone and the diaper rash is finally under control.
Trying his hardest to blow up the balloon
Yesterday we had a small lunch benefit for Lucas Bear Heroes and it was another success!!!  Thank you to everyone joined us.  Next week we have the Aon Step Up Event where Rina and team LUCAS BEAR HEROES will be walking 80 floors to raise money for both Lurie Children's and Lucas Bear Heroes.  Please click the link below if you would like to donate.  We are trying to find a donation or sponsor for team shirts, if you are interested.

Last night we had to take Lucas back to the Emergency Room because he spiked a fever of 102.6.  Respiratory panel verifies he has the Corona virus or today's string of the cold.  However, his chest xray identified what may be the onset of pneumonia but they can't be certain right now.  Remember, is CT scan a few weeks ago identified something as well but they thought it was fungal.  More to come on this topic.

Lucas is home and resting in good spirits. This week will be another roller coaster.  We are slated to have another inpatient chemo treatment as well as a lumbar puncture.  With this new lung development, I am not sure if that will happen or not.  Alot going on in my mind and I simply can't get it all out right now.  Keep checking back for more updates and please sign up for email notices so you are always current.  Click the link on the left hand side of the page.

Thank you as always for the continued support!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor little bear....Lifting him up in prayer... As well as you and Rina and Franco you all....