Wednesday, January 30

Lucas Chronicles: Anna's Wings

This will be a very difficult post to get through as I have had tears in my eyes all morning.  Our new cancer friend/family, the Mrdak's, received some horrible news.  Anna, their daughter, who is battling osteosarcoma, doesn't have much time to live.  Her heart is failing because of the chemo she gets.  Lucas gets the same chemo and I am terrified right now.  Almost frantic to talk to our oncologist about this.  I have broken down a few times, sitting in this hospital room, watching my own son fight cancer and it kills me that I can't take it away from him.  I don't want to think about being in the Mrdak's place right now.

I promised Anna's mom, Debbie, that I would be down to visit as soon as possible.  They have been kind and caring and kept in touch even when we are not in the hospital.  More tears.... The last time we saw Anna she was completing her last dose of chemo and going home.  She had a huge smile on her face and was ready to take on the world.  And now, because of a poison we choose to give our own children to save her leg, she loses her life.  I can't find the words or the logic for any of this right now.  I am heartbroken for this family right now, beyond words. Please send them good karma, mojo, prayers, whatever to help them get through this.

As for Lucas; I brought him into the ER at 2am this morning for a fever of 103.8.  He is neutropenic and still has fever, although it is less.  All caused by chemo and the fact that he has two cold viruses.  His body is working double time to fight everything right now.

Mid post update:  I had to take a minute and tend to Lucas, myself and then some business.  In the meantime, Rina got her from work and.....

Anna finally got her wings.  As her mother said to us just a little while ago, she was always God's child and he needed her more.  I told Debbie, that we know Anna will be Lucas' guardian angel and will watch over him as only she could.  This is a difficult time for a family that, in a very short amount of time, has become our family.  We are suffering with them as Anna was an amazing little girl.  Even when she was in pain, she managed to smile and find happiness.

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