Wednesday, October 24

Lucas Chronicles: Counts are UP!!

WE are one week away from going back into the hospital for another week of chemo.  Lucas is doing very well.  He is responding to the Neupogen and his counts are up.  His ANC is getting better every week and his blood cells are reproducing the way should be.

This is wonderful news.  Lucas is also walking on his own alot more.  Unfortunately, on top of the neupogen he is in pain again, but still managing to smile most of the time.

He has spent the last two weeks in daycare and is absolutely loving it.  HE is proud of the work he brings home and shows us what he learned that day.  He is talking alot more and repeating what we say and calling peoples names, etc.

I understand we may have some new readers, so Welcome.  Lucas has pretty much consumed my blog and I have temporarily removed my other posts as this time is about Lucas and not me.  We are working on a new website that should allow for us to communicate with everyone better and faster.

Thanks again for everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful News - So glad to hear something positive. Love you all! Jacq