Monday, September 3

Lucas Chronicles Day 3

Today Lucas received his PIC Line and all seems well.  The nurse is able to draw blood and give medicine quick and painlessly.  We went for a walk in the hallway (well actually, I walked and Lucas was carried!).  Rina and my went home for the night.  Tomorrow is the first day of school for Franco and we haven't been home since Thursday afternoon.  I hope he has a great first day!

Tomorrow is the day.  We start chemo.  I still sit here by myself and cry and beg to wake up from this nightmare, but it just doesn't happen.  Watching my little bear in so much pain and discomfort and not being able to take it away from him is killing me.  I cherish every second he is laughing and smiling because I am afraid that I will need them in the near future.  

1 comment:

Dog said...

Please stay focused Anthony.He's showing progress every day so far so hope and pray that it keeps going that way.He is a very strong little boy who is loved by everyone.I'm sure the angels are looking over and protecting him.Always be aggressive in his recovery as I'm sure he will be.I love all of you and especially Lucas!