Thursday, September 20

Lucas Chronicles: Another milestone

Tonight marks another milestone for Lucas.  He has taken his last dose of Decadron, the steroid portion of his treatment.  Along with that goes the Zantac.  Two more meds he doesn't need to take for awhile.  He should start to gain energy again and the mean streak should go away.  We went for a walk today in the stroller of course.  I pointed out some flowers and he saw a ball in one of the yards and smiled and pointed.  AS we got closer to home he started calling "mommy, mommy...."  and pointing in the direction of our house. 

He has lost enough strength that he can't pull himself up from a lying down position and really doesn't want to walk anymore.  He has also started to lose his hair.  Slowly, mind you, but it is still coming out.  His belly is getting bigger as his face.  Also a bad diaper rash that the hospital says actually doesn't look that bad has begun.  And it hurts him in the worst way.  WE are almost out of Pinxav and the hospital recommended Triple Paste.  I bought a small tube to try, but I think we will end up going back to Pinxav as soon as I order it.

Our wonderful babysitter, Ana, spent the last two days with Lucas here at the house so I could get some work done.  She is a blessing.  As you know Lucas only wants to eat rice and she made it for him 2 days in a row.  I swear the bear has eaten a whole 5 lb bag of rice this week.  Also, she refused any money for this week.  She said "I don't want to hear it.  I'm doing this for the baby. No, no, no."  We can't thank her enough.

So I have shared some of the good and some of the bad of this life story.  I still cry at some point everyday.  I pray that he gets better and I wish for things in life that are out of my control.  I remain positive and keep working towards the cure.

Good night readers...


Anonymous said...

Triple Paste is Wonderful. We have used it many times. Not sure if it as good as what your prescript is for, but it will help!!!!Love ya Jacq

Anonymous said...

“He Never Sleeps”

When you’ve prayed every prayer
That you know how to pray
Just remember the Lord will hear
And the answer is on it’s way
Our God is able
He is mighty
He is faithful

And He never sleeps, He never slumbers
He never tires of hearing our prayer
When we are weak, He becomes stronger
So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him

Do you feel that the Lord has forgotten your need?
Just remember that God is always working in ways you cannot see
Our God is able
He is mighty
He is faithful

And He never sleeps, He never slumbers
He never tires of hearing our prayer
When we are weak, He becomes stronger
So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him (4)