Monday, September 3

Lucas Chronicles

Since Facebook won't let me do what I want, I will resort back to my old ways.

Day Two 9/2/12: Lucas went from bad to good today.  He was taken off of isolation meaning no sign of infection, no fever.  He was also allowed to go to the playroom and walk around today.  They also installed a PIC line to allow for him to receive an IV, get meds, and give blood samples.  This will eliminate the need to constantly poke him for new blood tests.  Here are some pictures from today.


Dog said...

What great news forLucas is looking good.Keep up the good work everyone because it looks like its beginning to work.Love you all. such a beautiful family!

Open Your Eyes... A Claudiva Blog said...

Sweetie we r praying for u guys. We feel your pain and are praying fervently that God will cure him Of this evil disease. Have faith stay strong and believe that with God everything is possible! We would love to visit and bring a little something to Lucas. Please let us know when we can come by...claudia n david flores