Wednesday, September 19

Lucas Chronicles: Chemo Week 3

Today was another day at the clinic for chemo and a major blood transfusion.  For the most part Lucas did extremely well all day.  He sat and watched the nurse while she drew his labs and didn't fuss.  Then he let her do the chemo and actually smiled and played with me while she did it.  His smiles are so few and far between that I simply cherish them when they come, no matter what is going on.

We finally got to eat something at 130 this afternoon and he ate WRICE, as he says it, along with some of my turkey and mashed potatoes.  Then he fell asleep until Rina got to the hospital to pick us up.  We only have two more days of Decadron, the steroid that he is taking.  We also get to stop the Zantac.  Two down, a few more to go.  The doctors say that we should see an increase in his energy level by this weekend after the steroids are done.  

I actually dreaded today because it took Lucas a whole week to get back to "normal" and here we go again. Dumping the chemo and starting all over again.  I pray the transfusion will help out this week.  His level were 8.5 this morning and it was my call to give the transfusion or wait until next week.  Since we have seen the direct effects of a transfusion, I did not want to put Lucas through a bad week and a possible early visit to the hospital when his levels drop.

I met with the social worker today to discuss some things about our future.  Hopefully, something positive comes out of it.

Sorry for the drab writing tonight.  I am simply drained and running on Lucas' future.  Here come the tears.  Good Night readers.  As always, greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always read but I cannot comment yet..............